WordPress Coding 101 - Learn the basics in 3 hours

November 03, 2023

14:00 - 17:00 UTC

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The Lost & Found Birmingham

8 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham B2 5RS

Birmingham, England

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Dive into the world of WordPress development with our 3-hour intensive workshop, “WordPress Coding 101.” Whether you’re a budding developer, a blogger looking to expand your technical horizons, or simply a curious mind, this event will equip you with the foundational knowledge to start your journey in WordPress coding.

What You’ll Learn:
– Introduction to WordPress Architecture: Get familiar with the structure and components of a WordPress website.
– Themes and Plugins: Discover the difference between themes and plugins, and learn the basics of creating and modifying them.
– PHP for WordPress: Understand the core language of WordPress and how to use PHP to modify the functionality of your website.
– WordPress Hooks: Delve into actions and filters, the pivot points that allow developers to customize WordPress.
– Best Practices: Equip yourself with the key principles of coding for WordPress to ensure your projects are secure, scalable, and maintainable.

– A laptop with a local or online installation of WordPress. (Instructions will be sent to attendees prior to the event.)
– Basic computer literacy.
– A passion for learning!


- Education: Equip participants with fundamental WordPress coding knowledge.
- Engagement: Foster hands-on participation and in-depth Q&A sessions.
- Networking: Facilitate connections between budding developers and experienced WordPress professionals.
- Skill Building: Enable attendees to confidently modify their own WordPress sites post-event.
- Feedback Collection: Gather input for future training improvements and advanced sessions.
- Resource Distribution: Share essential tools, plugins, and resources for WordPress development.
- Community Building: Strengthen the local WordPress community through shared learning experiences.


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